Sunday, June 15, 2008

Out of the woods!

Well it looks like I learned my lesson...God just laughs at you when you try to control things or get attached to plans! I'm back in Cedar City to pack up my belongings and head home.
No, just kidding!! I am packing up to move to the tiny town of Loa, Utah. Aspen Achievment Academy runs out of Loa and I've found a relaxing little niche there. While I was training I got convinced to move to Wayne County so that I could have the full Aspen experience. That consists of dinner @ the Country Cafe on Weds nights, ultimate frisby on Thurs nights, yoga once a week, meditation on Sundays and kickball on Tuesdays!! The town is super rural, no cell phone service and really not many services at all. I'm excited to experience something new and super mellow.
Training was amazing, for the most part, we were all treated as students which dropped me into some experiences that touched my heart. At one point I found myself on the top of a mountain looking over canyons screaming "I AM BUFFALO!!" five times at the top of my lungs. I felt like I was in a dream as tears were flowing down my cheeks. The landscapes here are breathtaking. Utah has the ability to reach deep down into your soul and help you feel that you are in existence with the Great Spirit.
I don't want to make this too drawn out or over detailed so I'll try to simplify. The training was challenging at points but for the most part was exactly what I was hoping for. I quickly figured out how to use a tarp as a shelter (among other things) and to my suprise it worked under a few inches of snow on the second night! We went from the high mountains (10,000 feet) to the desert sky's where the coyotes were howling.
As soon as I got to the training, my anxiety was at ease, my heart was open and I felt totally appreciated for who I was as a person. This training was much different than the last and I am really looking forward to working there. I really feel seen and appreciated for who I am. Work starts on Weds and I move tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting out into the wilderness and connecting with the students out there.
Things are shifting for me, I'm really feeling into who I am and have been feeling into what really matters to me. I am greatful to be on this journey.
Lately, I've been camping as I go, just got back from a trip into Escalante and will try and put up some new pics! There is so much beauty that I haven't really felt like taking pictures...;)

A huge thanks to all of those sending your encouragment and prayers.
Sending lots of love.

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